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2.2.1 Programming Techniques

Exam-Style Questions (37 marks)

  1. Programming languages consist of three basic programming constructs. For each construct, state its name and give a working example.

    1. Name: Sequence

      print("A random number is: 4")  # chosen by fair dice roll. guaranteed to be random.
      print("This is a second line of code")
      print("Is this a good enough example yet?")
    2. Name: Branching

      import random
      if random.random() < 0.5:
    3. Name: Iteration

      for i in range(10):
          print(f"A good example ({i + 1} / 10)")
  2. This code uses a procedure:

    name = "Sam"
    procedure addMessage(inText: byVal)
        inText = "Hello " + inText

    Explain why this program outputs Sam rather than Hello Sam.

    The procedure addMessage takes inText by value rather than by reference, and therefore when it modifies inText it is modifying a copy rather than the original variable.

  3. Given the following pseudocode:

    d = 5
    if ((a > b) OR (b >= c)) then
       if ((c < a) XOR (c < b)) then // Check to see if one or the other
                                     // comparisons are TRUE, but not both
          d = 15
          d = 16
       d = 14
    1. State the value of d if a = 42, b = 41, and c = 42
      • 16
    2. State the value of d if a = 42, b = 36, and c = 4
      • 16
    3. State the value of d if a = 42, b = 36, and c = 36
      • 15
    4. Give one potential value of b if a = 42, c = 44, and d = 14
      • 42
  4. A procedure takes as input a number between 1 and 100. It calculates and outputs the square of each number starting from 1, to the number input. The square of a number is the result of multiplying a number by itself.

    procedure squares()
          number - int(input("Enter a number between 1 and 100"))
       until number >= 1 AND number <= 100
       for x = 1 to number
          print(x * x)
       next x

    The procedure uses one programming construct twice. State whether the construct that is used twice is iteration or branching.

    • Iteration
  5. A software developer is creating a virtual pet game.
    The user can choose the type of animal they would like as their pet, give it a name, and then they are responsible for caring for that animal. The user will need to feed, play with, and educate their pet.
    The aim is to keep the animal alive and happy, for example if the animal is not fed over a set period of time then the pet will die.

    • The game tells the user how hungry or bored the animal is as a percentage (%) and the animal's intelligence is ranked as a number between 0 and 150 (inclusive).
    • Hunger and boredom increase by 1% with every tick of a timer.
    • When the feed option is selected, hunger is reduced to 0.
    • When the play option is selected, bored is reduced to 0.
    • When the read option is selected, the intelligence is increased by 0.6% of its current value.

    An example of the game is shown:

    What type of pet would you like? Fox or Elephant?
    > Fox
    What would you like to name your Fox?
    > Joanne
    Joanne's stats are
    Hunger: 56%
    Bored: 85%
    Intelligence: 20
    What would you like to do with your pet? Play, Read, or Feed?

    The developer needs to write procedures for the options play and read. Each of the options changes its corresponding value, and outputs the results to the screen.

    1. Write a procedure, using pseudocode, to reset bored and output the new value in an appropriate message

      procedure play()
         global bored, name
         bored = 0
         print(name + " is no longer Bored (" + bored + "%)")
    2. Write a procedure, using pseudocode, to increase intelligence by 0.6% and output the new intelligence in an appropriate message

      procedure read()
         global intelligence, name
         intelligence = intelligence * 1.006
         print(name + " learnt! (Intelligence: " + intelligence + ")")
  6. A recursive function, calculate, is shown below:

    01 │  function calculate(num1, num2)
    02 │     if num1 == num2 then
    03 │        return num1
    04 │     elseif num1 < num2 then
    05 │        return calculate(num1, (num2-num1))
    06 │     else
    07 │        return calculate(num2, (num1-num2))
    08 │     endif
    09 │  endfunction
    1. Identify the lines where recursion is used

      Lines 5 and 7 use recursion

    2. Re-write the function so it uses iteration instead of recursion.

      01 │  function calculate(num1, num2)
      02 │      while num1 != num2 do
      03 │          if num1 < num2 then
      04 │              num2 = num2 - num1
      05 │          else
      06 │              tmp = num1 - num2
      07 │              num1 = num2
      08 │              num2 = tmp
      09 │          endif
      10 │      endwhile
      11 │      return num1
      12 │  endfunction
  7. Consider the following algorithm, expressed in pseudocode:

    function S(A[0..N-1], value, low, high)
        if high < low then
            return error_message
        mid = (low + high) / 2
        if A[mid] > value then
            return S(A, value, low, mid-1)
        elseif A[mid] < value then
            return S(A, value, mid+1, high)
            return mid
    1. Describe what is meant by recursion

      Recursion is where something is defined in terms of itself. In computational terms, this means that a function or procedure will compute part of a solution, and call itself to finish the solution; it will make a step towards the problem's base case, then call itself to make the rest of the journey there.

    2. Identify one example of where recursion occurs in this algorithm.

      When the found midpoint (A[mid]) is larger than value, the function S is called again to determine the result, with the value of the high parameter being replaced with mid-1, and all other parameters retaining their values.

  8. A recursive function, generate, is shown.

    function generate(num1:byval)
        if num1 > 10 then
            return 10
            return num1 + (generate(num1 + 1) DIV 2)

    The parameter, num1, is passed by value. Explain why the parameter was passed by value instead of by reference.

    num1 is not modified during the execution of the function, so a reference is not necessary. Additionally, as num1 is a primitive type (integer), there is no performance benefit to sharing a reference compared to copying the value.

  9. A recursive function, GCD, is given in pseudocode.

    function GCD(num1, num2)
        if num2 == 0 then
            return num1
            return GCD(num2, num1 MOD num2)

    The function uses branching.

    1. Identify the type of branching statement used in the function.

      If-else tree

    2. Explain the difference between branching and iteration.

      Branching allows code execution to take different paths based on a condition, whereas iteration allows code to be repeated multiple times based on a condition or counter (really this is just branching with a looping jump)

    3. Identify the two parameters in the function

      1. num1, an integer
      2. num2, an integer
    4. State whether the parameters should be passed by value, or by reference. Justify your answer.

      The parameters should be passed by value. This is because:

      • There is no need for the GCD function to modify its parameters for the caller
      • The parameters are primitives, meaning that there is no performance benefit to passing by reference instead of by value
      • The GCD function returns a value, that cannot be relevantly represented in either of its parameters
    5. Describe the arithmetic operation of MOD. Use an example in your answer.

      The modulo operator, MOD (% in many programming languages), calculates the remainder of integer division of its operands. Note that many programming languages choose to implement the remainder operator in place of the modulo operator; the difference is that modulo operations have a result the same as the divisor (y in x % y) and remainder operations have a result the same as the dividend (x in x % y). When x and y are both positive, these operations are equivalent.