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<style> @counter-style question { prefix: "Q"; suffix: ". "; system: extends decimal; } x-question > ol { list-style: question; } x-question > ol { counter-reset: list-ctr; list-style-type: none; list-style-position: outside; } x-question > ol > li { counter-increment: list-ctr; } x-question > ol > li:before { content:"Q" counter(list-ctr) ". "; margin-left: -25px; } ol ul, ul ul { list-style-type: circle; } ul { list-style-type: decimal; } ol ol, ul ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha !important; } ul ol ol, ol ol ol { list-style-type: lower-roman !important; }

Thinking concurrently

  1. A house may have a burglar alarm system which continually monitors the front door, back door, windows, room upstairs, and downstairs.

    Is this parallel or concurrent processing?

    • It is concurrent processing.


    1. Distinguish between parallel processing and concurrent processing.
      • Both parallel and concurrent processing handle many tasks at once.
      • Parallel processing runs its tasks simultaneously, whereas concurrent shares the processing time between tasks without actually executing them simultaneously.
    2. A school runs a local area network linking computers throughout the school. Describe how concurrent processing can be achieved on the network.
      • Concurrent processing can be achieved by allocating processing time to each machine in turn (although with many parallel machines, parallel processing would most likely be easier)
    3. When a class of students all try and download a piece of software at the beginning of a class, performance is affected. Explain why.
      • The bandwidth on the local area network is too low, so most machines wait while other machines download, and these execute concurrently - only one computer can be downloading data at any one time