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Linked Lists and Array Questions

    1. An array is a static data structure which holds a collection of data of a single type.

    2. str[10] names
      for i of {0..9}
          names[i] = input('Enter a name: ')
          print((str i+1) + '. ' + names[i])
  1. array totals[10]
    for row of data
        for i of {0..10}:
            totals[i] += row[i]
    for total of totals
        print(total / 11)
    1. Identifier: Board
      Dimensions: 2
      Most appropriate data type: char[][]

    2. PROCEDURE ClearDisplay
          FOR Row = 1 TO 3
              FOR Column = 1 to 15
                  Board( Row, Column) = " "
              NEXT Column
          NEXT Row
      1. nodeNo orderNo next
        0 154 1
        1 157 2
        2 155 3
        3 156 4
        4 158 ø
      2. nodeNo orderNo next
        0 154 5
        1 157 2
        2 155 3
        3 156 4
        4 158 ø
        5 159 1
      1. nodeNo is equivalent to the column index of the 2D array.
      2. finished count output
        false - -
        false 0 -
        false 0 184
        false 1 184
        false 1 186
        false 2 186
        false 2 185
        false 3 185
        true 3 185
      3. x finds and prints the last order in the linked list.
      4. The new order can be added to the array, such that the linked list is in the correct order, as follows:
        • Locate the third item in the list (by traversing the first and second nodes)
        • Add the new order to the end of the list, with the link pointer set to the address of the third item (found previously)
        • Update the link pointer of the second item to point to the new item (the end of the array)
    1. It allows fast insertion of new elements to arbitrary points in the list, and allows freedom to extend the list infinitely without reallocating the entire list when its buffer is filled
    1. A record is a static collection of data which can be of different types
    2. A 1D array is suitable for the application as it is used to hold information about the players in the game; the number of which is selected once (and so only one index is needed)
    3. Queue