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Normalisation questions

  1. The publisher of several magazines has a relational database in which the details of each magazine are held. One of the tables in the database holds details of all the major articles in each magazine.

    1. Write a description for entities Magazine and Article, showing for each table the primary key, a foreign key if applicable, and at least two other attributes, using the format

      EntityName(primary_key,attribute1, attribute2, attribute3, ...,foreign_key)

      • Magazine(magazine_id,name, issue_no, editor )
      • Article(article_id,title, article_content, author,magazine_id)
    2. Suggest, with a reason, an attribute in either table which it would be useful to define as a secondary key.

      • as the name of a magazine is likely to be something that is looked up very frequently
  2. A college department wishes to create a database to hold information about students and the courses they take. The relationship between students and courses is shown in the following entity relationship diagram.

       | attends

    Each course has a tutor who is in charge of the course.

    Sample data held on the database is held below.

    Student Number Student Name DateOfBirth  Gender Course Number CourseName TeacherID Teacher Name
    1111 Bell, K 1998-01-14 M COMP23 Java1 8563 Davey, A

    Cope, F



    Intro to OOP
    Davey, A
    Ross, M
    Day, S

    Behr, K



    Intro to OOP
    Database Design
    Ross, M
    Blaine, N
    1. Show how the data may be rearranged into relations which are in third normal form.


      student_id surname initial date_of_birth gender
      1111 Bell K 1998-01-14 M
      2222 Cope F 1997-08-12 F
      3333 Behr K 1996-07-31 M


      teacher_id surname initial
      8563 Davey A
      2299 Ross M
      1567 Day S
      3370 Blaine N


      course_id course_name teacher_id
      COMP23 Java1 8563
      COMP16 Intro to OOP 2299
      G101 Animation 1567
      COMP34 Database Design 3370


      course_id student_id
      1111 COMP23
      2222 COMP23
      2222 COMP16
      2222 G101
      3333 COMP16
      3333 COMP34

      Rules for 1NF:

      • [x] Each data item is atomic
      • [x] Each row/record has a unique primary key
      • [x] No records have repeating data
      • [x] Each field should be unique

      Rules for 2NF:

      • [x] The table must be in 1NF
      • [x] No partial dependencies

      Rules for 3NF:

      • [x] The table must be in 2NF
      • [x] There are no non-key attributes that depend on another non-key attribute
      • [x] Every non-key attribute is non-transitively dependent on the primary key
    2. State two properties that the tables in a fully normalised database must have.

      • No partial dependencies
      • All attributes should depend transitively on the primary key
  3. A museum has permanent displays but also runs a programme of special events. People may pay an annual fee to become Friends of the Museum. Friends can attend events, which they must book in advance. This, and other data about the museum, is stored in a relational database. Part of the entity-relationship (E-R) diagram is shown.


      1. State the type of relationship between FRIEND and TICKET.
        • One-to-many
      2. Explain the use of primary and foreign keys in FRIEND and TICKET
        • FRIEND will have a primary key, which will uniquely identify each record
        • As one FRIEND needs to be able to have many tickets, its primary key needs to be a foreign key of TICKET, and as one EVENT needs to issue many tickets, its primary key also needs to be a foreign key of TICKET
        • TICKET will therefore contain 2 foreign keys that are used to link it to its FRIEND and EVENT
        • TICKET will have a composite primary key, formed by the FRIEND table's primary key and the EVENT table's primary key (as one TICKET is for only one EVENT and only one FRIEND)
    2. When the database was being designed, an initial version of the diagram showed a direct relationship between FRIEND and EVENT.

      Draw this initial E-R diagram with FRIEND and EVENT only.

      • FRIEND

      Explain why TICKET was inserted.

      • FRIEND-EVENT is a many-to-many relationship
      • In real database systems, many-to-many relationships cannot exist
      • Therefore, a linker table is needed, to create one-to-many relationships with each other entity