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Structured Query Language

SQL for querying a database

The CD Table

CDNumber CDTitle RecordCompany DatePublished
CD14356 Shadows ABC 2014-05-06
CD19998 Night Turned Day GHK 2015-03-24
CD25364 Autumn ABC 2015-10-11
CD34512 Basic Poetry GHK 2016-02-01
CD56666 The Lucky Ones DEF 2016-02-16
CD77233 Lucky Me ABC 2014-05-24
CD77665 Flying High DEF 2015-07-31
CDTitle RecordCompany DatePublished
Autumn ABC 2015-10-11
Flying High DEF 2015-07-31
Night Turned Day GHK 2015-03-24

Specifying a sort order

  1. Write the SQL to return all of the CD titles, their CD number, and the date published for record companies that start with A. Display the results in descending order of CD number

    • SELECT CDTitle, CDNumber, DatePublished
      FROM CD
      WHERE RecordCompany LIKE 'A%'
      ORDER BY CDNumber DESC
  2. Write the results of the query

CDTitle CDNumber DatePublished
Lucky Me CD77233 2014-05-24
Autumn CD25364 2015-10-11
Shadows CD14356 2014-05-06
  1. Write a query which will display all the fields of records in the CD table published by ABC or GHK record company in 2014-2015

    • SELECT *
      FROM CD
      WHERE RecordCompany IN ('ABC', 'GHK')
      AND DatePublished BETWEEN '2014-01-01' AND '2015-12-31'

Extracting data from several tables

SQL can be used to combine data from two or more tables by specifying the tables the data is held in

If the field name appears in more than one searched table, qualified field names must be used


SELECT Song.Title, Artist.Name, Song.Genre
FROM Song, Artist

You will need to provide a link between the Song and Artist tables so that the Artist's name corresponding to the ArtistID in the Song table can be found in the Artist table)

Therefore in the WHERE statement you must show the link like so:

WHERE Song.ArtistID = Artist.ArtistID

Your WHERE statement may not be complete. You still need to write the condition


JOIN provides an alternative method of combining rows from two or more tables, based on a common field between them

SELECT Song.Title, Artist.Name, Song.Genre
ON Song.ArtistID = Artist.ArtistID
WHERE Song.Genre = 'Art Pop'
  1. Write an SQL query which will give the song title, artist name, and genre of all songs by JJ or Fred Bates, sorted by ArtistName and SongTitle
SELECT Song.Title, Artist.Name, Song.Genre
ON Song.ArtistID = Artist.ArtistID
WHERE Artist.Name IN ('JJ', 'Fred Bates')
ORDER BY Artist.Name, Song.Title

Creating a new database table using SQL

Possible exam question:

CREATE TABLE "Employee" (
    "EmpName" VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
    "HireDate" DATE,
    "Salary" CURRENCY,

Altering a table structure

Foreign Keys

CREATE TABLE "CourseAttendance" (
    "CourseID" CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
    "CourseDate" DATE,
    FOREIGN KEY "CourseID" REFERENCES "Course"("CourseID"),
    FOREIGN KEY "EmpID" REFERENCES "Employee"("EmpID"),
    PRIMARY KEY ("CourseID", "EmpID")

Inserting data

>INSERT INTO "Employee"("EmpID", "Name", "HireDate")
VALUES(1125, 'Cully', '2001-01-01');

Updating data in a table

UPDATE "Employee"
SET "Salary" = "Salary"*1.1
WHERE "Department" = 'Technical';

Deleting data from a table


  1. Use SQL to create a table called Student which is defined as follows:

    • StudentID 6 characters fixed length (primary key)

    • Surname 20 characters

    • FirstName 15 characters

    • DateOfBirth Date

    • CREATE TABLE "Student" (
          "StudentID" CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
          "Surname" VARCHAR(20),
          "FirstName" VARCHAR(15),
          "DateOfBirth" DATE,
          PRIMARY KEY ("StudentID")
  2. Write an SQL statement to add a new column named YearGroup of type INTEGER

    • ALTER TABLE "Student"
      ADD "YearGroup" INTEGER;
  3. The structure of the Course table is:

    • CourseID 6 characters fixed length (primary key)
    • CourseTitle 30 characters (compulsory)
    • OnSite boolean

    Create the table

    • CREATE TABLE "Course" (
          "CourseID" CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
          "CourseTitle" VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
          "OnSite" BOOLEAN,
          PRIMARY KEY ("CourseID")
  4. The table Student is defined below:

    • StudentID 6 characters fixed length (primary key)
    • Surname 20 characters
    • FirstName 15 characters
    • DateOfBirth Date
    1. Create the table using SQL syntax

      • CREATE TABLE "Student" (
            "StudentID" CHAR(6) NOT NULL,
            "Surname" VARCHAR(20),
            "FirstName" VARCHAR(15),
            "DateOfBirth" DATE,
            PRIMARY KEY ("StudentID")
    2. Make the following changes:

      1. Use SQL to add a record for Jennifer Daley, Student AB1234, DoB 23/6/2005

        • INSERT INTO "Student"
          VALUES ('AB1234', 'Daley', 'Jennifer', '2005-06-23');
      2. Update this record, the student's name is Jane, not Jennifer

        • UPDATE "Student"
          SET "FirstName"='Jane'
          WHERE "StudentID"='AB1234';
      3. Add a new column DateStarted to the table, of type DATE

        • ALTER TABLE "Student"
          ADD "DateStarted" DATE;