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<style> ol ol { list-style-type: lower-alpha; } ol ol ol { list-style-type: lower-roman; } code, pre { font-family: "Source Code Pro"; }

LMC questions following feedback

  1. What is the purpose of this code:

    >        INP
            STA times
    loop    LDA times
            SUB count
            BRZ end
            LDA count
            ADD one
            STA count
            BRA loop
    end     HLT
    count   DAT 0
    times   DAT
    one     DAT 1

    This code counts from the inputted number to 1 (including both endpoints), printing out the value at each step

  2. Write the assembly code in question 1 into a high-level language pseudocode

    for i of {input_int()..1} do
        print i
    end for
  3. ?

    1. Below is part of a program written using the Little Man Computer instruction set. This section of code can exit by either jumping to the code labelled pass or fail depending on what value is in the accumulator when the code is run.

      >test    SUB ten
              BRZ pass
              BRP test
              BRA fail
      ten     DAT 10
      1. Explain what the line ten DAT 10 does.

        The line ten DAT 10 creates a label and a value of 10 in the mailbox where the instruction is. It can be referenced by the label ten at other points in the program, and (unless explicitly modified) will have a value of 10

      2. Complete the table below determining whether the program branches to pass or fail given the following values in the accumulator when it is run.

        Starting value in accumulator Target branch
        29 fail
        30 pass
        31 fail
    2. The complete program is shown below:

      >        INP
      main    STA entry
              BRA test
      fail    LDA entry
              ADD one
              BRA main
      test    SUB ten
              BRZ pass
              BRP test
              BRA fail
      pass    LDA entry
      entry   DAT
      ten     DAT 10
      one     DAT 1
      1. Give one instruction in the program that, when executed, changes the value in the accumulator


      2. Give one instruction in the program that, when executed, changes the value in the program counter

        BRA fail

      3. State the value the code outputs for the input 18


      4. State the value the code outputs for the input 37


      5. Describe the purpose of the program.

        Rounds the number to the next multiple of 10; the equivalent of ceil(n / 10) * 10

  4. A digital coffee making machine has a CPU that uses the Little Man Computer instruction set.

    1. ?

    2. Part of the coffee making machine's code asks the user to press a button to select strength. The code outputs 1 which will switch on a green light to indicate a valid selection or outputs 0 to indicate an invalid selection.

      The code is shown below:

      >        INP
              STA entry
              LDA max
              SUB entry
              BRP accept
              LDA red
              BRA print
      accept  LDA green
      print   OUT
      green   DAT 1
      red     DAT 0
      max     DAT 5
      entry   DAT

      Fig. 1

      1. Tick the appropriate boxes below to indicate which inputs will result in a green light (i.e. code outputs 1) and which with a red light.

        Input Green light Red light
      2. ?

      3. Write code in a high-level language or pseudocode that has the same functionality as the code in Fig. 1.

        print(int(int(input()) <= 5)) (Python 3), if the entry is required after evaluation then print(int((entry := int(input())) <= 5)) (Python 3.8+)

  5. The program, as shown in Fig. 2 below, is written in assembly code using the Little Man Computer instruction set. It is supposed to take in two numbers and output the higher.

    >        INP
            STA NUMA
            STA NUMB
            SUB NUMA
            BRP NOTA
            LDA NUMB
            BRA QUIT
    QUIT    OUT
    NUMA    DAT
    NUMB    DAT
    1. ?

    2. The program does not work correctly. Describe what the program actually does, using the numbers 4 and 9 being entered as an example.

      The program performs the following operations (overall):

      • Store 4 to NUMA
      • Store 9 to NUMB
      • Calculate 9 - 4
      • Load and print 4

      The program is determining the lower of the two numbers and printing it; with inputs of 9 and 4 an output of 4 is given

    3. Explain how you would correct the program so it outputs the higher of the two numbers entered.

      Swap instructions 06 and 08 (leaving the labels in their positions), so that the program reads as follows:

      >        INP
              STA NUMA
              STA NUMB
              SUB NUMA
              BRP NOTA
              LDA NUMA
              BRA QUIT
      NOTA    LDA NUMA
      QUIT    OUT
      NUMA    DAT
      NUMB    DAT
    4. Programs can also be written in high level languages. In pseudocode write a procedural program that takes in two numbers and outputs the higher of them.

      procedure max(a, b) as
          if a > b do
              print a
          else do
              print b
          end if
      end procedure