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LMC practice

  1. The table below shows the Little Man Computer instruction set.

    Mnemonic Instruction
    ADD Add
    SUB Subtract
    STA Store Accumulator
    LDA Load Accumulator
    BRA Branch Always
    BRZ Branch when Zero
    BRP Branch when Positive or zero
    INP Input
    OUT Output
    HLT|COB End program

    Complete the table above to show the missing mnemonics and instructions.

  2. Write a program using the Little Man Computer instruction set that will allow a user to input two numbers and then output the larger of the two numbers. The program should loop continuously.

            STA     a
            STA     b
            SUB     a
            BRP     out_b
            LDA     a
            BRA     0
    out_b   LDA     b
            BRA     0
    a       DAT
    b       DAT


            DAT     901
            DAT     312
            DAT     901
            DAT     313
            DAT     212
            DAT     809
            DAT     512
            DAT     902
            DAT     600
            DAT     513
            DAT     902
            DAT     600

    Try it online:

  3. Below is part of a program written using the Little Man Computer instruction set. This section of code can exit by either jumping to the code labelled pass or fail depending on what value is in the accumulator when the code is run.

    test    SUB     ten
            BRZ     pass
            BRP     test
            BRA     fail
    ten     DAT     10
    1. Explain what the following line does:

      ten     DAT     10
      • The line declares a named mailbox 'ten' which is initialised to the literal value 10.
    2. Complete the table below determining whether the program branches to pass or fail given the following values in the Accumulator when it is run.

      Starting value in Accumulator Jump Target
      29 fail
      30 pass
      31 fail
    3. The complete program is shown below:

      main    STA     entry
              BRA     test
      fail    LDA     entry
              ADD     one
              BRA     main
      test    SUB     ten
              BRZ     pass
              BRP     test
              BRA     fail
      pass    LDA     entry
      entry   DAT
      ten     DAT     10
      one     DAT     1
      1. Give one instruction in the program that, when executed, changes the value in the Accumulator.
        • INP
      2. Give one instruction in the program that, when executed, changes the value in the Program Counter.
        • BRA test
      3. State the value the code outputs for the input 18.
        • 20
      4. State the value the code outputs for the input 37.
        • 40
      5. Describe the purpose of the program.
        • Round the input to the next multiple of 10.